Download Cac Reader For Mac

If you prefer using a Mac to a PC, it can be difficult to find the right CAC card reader to work well with your machine.

So many CAC readers that might work well with Windows run into problems with Apple software and products. This is often despite the manufacturer claiming their product is Mac friendly.

To save you the trouble and frustration of purchasing a CAC reader that ends up not working for you, we’ve put together some of the best CAC readers for Mac users. Each product on this list has been confirmed to be Mac compatible by real CAC users. While a lot of products may claim compatibility, the ones on this list have been tried and tested by real Mac users.

Depending on your situation, you may prefer a CAC reader that is primarily intended for desk use, or one which is lighter and more portable. With this in mind, we offer you two lists ranking the best Mac compatible options. Don’t automatically assume the top product is the best for your situation. You might have a specific set of needs which makes another product a better fit. The tables are intended as an overall representation of the best CAC readers for Mac, but you should still consider how suitable each product is for your own purposes.

After the rundown of the best products, we have some general tips and advice on CAC usage for Macs.

Is your CAC reader Mac friendly? Visit the USB Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is. Step 2: Check to make sure that your PC accepts the CAC Reader Once you’ve received your CAC reader, the next step is to plug it in and verify your PC recognizes it. If you have selected any of the above readers, you should be good to go.

Best CAC Card Readers For Mac – Desk Use

As the above table shows, the Saicoo V1 has been chosen as the best desk based CAC reader for Mac. This is our pick due to the fact that the Saicoo V1 has a good review score over a large number of reviews. The product is affordable, reliable, and has an unobstrusive, discrete style which will look good on almost any desk.

The Saicoo V2 has been chosen for the second place spot as it is slightly more expensive than the V1. However, if you definitely want a vertical standing CAC reader for desk usage, the V2 is the way to go. It has a good review score and the cost is only slightly higher than the V1. This small price increase is worth paying to get a good quality vertical standing CAC reader for Mac desk use.

Best CAC Card Readers For Mac – Portable Use

For portable CAC readers with tried and tested Mac compatibility, our top pick is the RT-SCR3 from Rocketek. The 4.5 average review score over a large number of reviews is testament to the product’s overall quality. The design means your CAC card is visible while inserted into the reader, which means you’ll never accidentally forget it.

The SCR-10 from Rocketek is the second choice pick for Mac compatible portable CAC readers. Although it is slightly more expensive than the SCR3, and has a slightly lower review grade average, the SCR-10 has a few extra features, such as built-in SD card compatibility. If you require the extra features, or anticipate needing them in the future, thge SCR-10 is a great choice of portable CAC reader.

Cac card reader software download for mac

CAC Card Readers For Mac Advice

Now that you’ve seen the best desk and portable CAC readers for Mac, please take a moment to consider the following advice.

Download Cac Reader For Mac

  • Always double check if the specific CAC reader you want is suitable for Mac use, specifically with your version of MacOS. There are some CAC readers that work well with older Mac versions, but not with the current iteration.
  • Make sure that the seller will be happy to refund you if your CAC reader doesn’t work properly on your Mac
  • Check that all of the correct drivers, security certificates etc. are in place before you throw in the towel. Sometimes, your Mac might not be the problem, it could be an issue with something else.
  • Ensure you have the proper CAC Enabler for your OS. Our trusty guide to CAC Enablers for Mac can help you determine exactly what you need!

How To Use Cac Reader On Mac

Whenever you upgrade your operating system (OS), you will need to CAC-enable (i.e. Public Key Enable) the system all over again. You should refer to the instructions and downloads available from the web pages under Getting Started for End Users (Mac) on DISA's Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE) website. You will need middleware to use your CAC on OS X. The instructions on IASE will direct you to Smartcard Services (middleware) downloads from Mac OS forge. Smartcard Services will work for most CACs and readers, however, if you do not see your CAC keychain in the Keychain after installing the Smartcard Services package and inserting your CAC in the card reader, then I recommend using another free middleware called Centrify Express.

Aside from installing middleware, you need to download and import the DoD Root and Intermediate Certificates in your Keychain Access. Most of the DoD certificates are available if you add the 'SystemCACertificates' keychain using the File > Add Keychain option and navigating through the folders to Macintosh HD > System > Library > Keychains. You need to download and import a few certificates into the 'login' keychain, such as DOD ROOT CA 2 (3 certificates total), DOD ROOT CA 3, and any intermediate certificates that issued the certificates on your CAC, which are greater than DOD CA-30 (such as DOD CA-31, DOD EMAIL CA-31, DOD CA-32, DOD EMAIL CA-32, DOD ID CA-33, DOD EMAIL CA-33, DOD ID CA-34, DOD EMAIL CA-34, etc.). Go to the Cross-Certificate Chaining Issue page to download two zip files ( and, then use the File > Import Certificate option to add the certificates to the 'login' keychain. All DoD Intermediate Certificates are available for download (one-by-one) from the DoD PKI Management website at (download the Certificate Authority Certificate, not the Certificate Revocation List, i.e. CRL) for each certificate.

Best Cac Reader For Mac

Company: Southwest I.T. Solutions